Virtual Lunch - November 4, 2020 with Ayse Onculer & Claude Hoffmann

Date and Time
Wednesday, November 4, 2020
12:30pm— 2:00pm
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Paris, Île-de-France
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Jérôme Le Grand
Who's coming
Aymeric Gerin Ron DiRienzi Gilles Alex Barbara Levi Hiroaki Iizawa George Gvishiani Aviva Brooks Sylvie Milverton François Balsan Claude Hoffmann Ayse Onculer Meinhard Platzer Edouard Bich Franck Noiret Fabrice Atallah Jerome Le Grand Emilie Esposito Alejandro Lopez Delgado Reza Ansari
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The Wharton Club of Paris

invites you to a virtual Lunch dedicated to the following two topics: 

"Decision Making in a Time of Uncertainty"  

"Coaching during a Pandemic "

Wednesday November 4th 2020 at 12h30

This virtual lunch will take place on Zoom (confidential link will be e-mailed).

Ayse Oncluler, Professor at ESSEC will discuss decision traps and insights to improve managerial decision making in times of uncertainty.  

Claude Hoffmann, Founder of Learning Ventures will provide insights and advice on coaching in Covid times.

The presentations will include a Q&A session.  Both presentations will be in English.

AYŞE ÖNCÜLER (Wharton PhD 98) 
Professor at Essec

Prof. Öncüler teaches managerial decision-making and negotiations modules in the Executive Education and MBA programs, as well as in company-specific workshops. She has done consulting and teaching for companies from various sectors, including manufacturing, pharmaceuticals, hotel management, aerospace, energy, public sector, banking and financial services.

She received her Masters and PhD from the Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania. After being on the faculty of INSEAD for 10 years, she joined ESSEC as Professor of Marketing in 2008. She served as the academic director of the Executive MBA programme, Phd coordinator for the marketing track and the department chair.

Her academic research focuses on decision-making under uncertainty, covering a variety of applications from managerial investments to consumer behavior. Her work has been published in leading academic journals such as Journal of Behavioral Decision-Making, Journal of Risk and Uncertainty, Journal of Economic Psychology and Management Science and has been reviewed in media outlets such as the Financial Times and CFO Europe.


Claude Offmann (WG'92)
Founder Learning Ventures

Claude Hoffmann is the creator of “Learning Ventures”, a network of senior international Executive Coaches. Learning Ventures helps senior leaders at critical moments in their careers by creating deep learning experiences for them.

In the last few years, Claude has created or participated in Leadership Development programs for the leaders of McKinsey & Co, Egon Zehnder International, WPP plc, La Caisse des Dépots, Orange, Club Med or eBay.  He advises CEO’s and their teams on those two aspects jointly, often in the context of a transformation project. Claude is also a member of the Investment Committee of AFIG Funds, a leading African private equity company.

Claude has developed interventions and seminars based on the most recent advances in neurosciences, economics, and organizational behavior during his immersion in the Harvard/MIT ecosystem between 2015 and 2017.

Claude started his career in the non-for profit world of informal education. He went on to learn Strategy Consulting in the Harvard-born Mac Group. He’s now a Senior Affiliate of the Aberkyn group, part of Mckinsey & Co.

Mr. Hoffmann holds an M.B.A. from the Wharton School of Business, an M.A. in International Affairs from the University of Pennsylvania’s Lauder Institute.He is a graduate from l’Institut d’Etudes Politiques de Paris (Sciences-Po) and an alumnus of Pearson College (Vancouver Island, BC, Canada).

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Paris, Île-de-France, France,
by public transit by car by bike Walking