Virtual Lunch - June 3, 2020 with Louis Boisgibault & Olivier Thierry

Date and Time
Wednesday, June 3, 2020
12:30pm— 2:00pm
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Paris 75008
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Jérôme Le Grand
Who's coming
Odile Finck-Beccafico Ron DiRienzi Barbara Levi Bruno Mathieu Olivier Thierry Louis Boisgibault Philippe Guimard Herve Racine George Gvishiani Frederic Dyevre Aymeric Gerin Georges Verneuil Steven Lambert Rolando Furlong Everett Hutt Fabrice Atallah Jerome Le Grand Marc Frey Sylvie Milverton Franck Noiret Didier Riebel François Balsan Beth Schaeffer
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François Balsan et le bureau du Wharton Club de Paris

te convient à participer à notre

Déjeuner mensuel virtuel sur le thème

"Energie et Santé: deux secteurs au cœur du Monde Covid 19"

Mercredi 3 Juin 2020 à 12h30

Ce déjeuner virtuel se déroulera via Zoom (le lien confidentiel sera envoyé par e-mail).

Louis Boisgibault, CEO de Valmere exposera ses perspectives sur le thème de la "Transition énergétique dans un environnement Post Covid 19" et 

Olivier Thierry CEO de Qare adressera le sujet de "L'essor de la Télémédecine dans le contexte Covid 19 et Post Covid19 ".

La réunion se terminera par une phase de Questions-Réponses ouvrant sur un prochain Webinar pour approfondir la réflexion partagée sur ces sujets.

Louis Boisgibault (W/IEP'90, PhD)
CEO of Valmere

Louis Boisgibault is currently CEO at VALMERE and Capstone Advisor at HEC Paris Executive MBA.

After his MBA, Louis BOISGIBAULT worked for (BNP)-Paribas (Paris, Amsterdam), Electricité de France (Paris), Gaz de France-Tractebel, now ENGIE (London) in corporate finance
and trading roles. He was board director of a UK and a US Group subsidiary (Tractebel Group). He specialised in the energy sector and incorporate governance.

He co-founded VALMERE, a consulting firm specialised in energy transition and defended a PhD thesis at Sorbonne on energy transition in territories.

He has been lecturing in graduate schools and publishing articles and books for about the last 10 years. He is the author of "Energy Transition in Metropolises, RuralAreas and Deserts (Wiley, 2020).

Louis is a graduate of Université Paris-Dauphine and of HEC MBA. He was sent to the Wharton School as an exchange student for the 2nd year MBA in September 1989, with his wife Véronique. He obtained his PhD at Sorbonne University in Geography and Planning in 2016.

He was board member of the Wharton Club de Paris, in charge of representing the Club at the Cercle des Administrateurs
INSEAD/Wharton for which he was treasurer.

He is married, with 4 children.


Olivier Thierry (WG'96)
CEO of Qare

Olivier Thierry graduated from Essec in 1991 and holds an MBA from Wharton (WG96).

He started his career at McKinsey where he spent 5 years based  in Paris while working in many different countries, and specializing in Corporate Finance and new technologies.

He then became an entrepreneur in 2000, co-launching a start-up in the mobile technology space, which was acquired by Velti in 2005.

Olivier was then approached by software giant SAP, to lead some critical projects in their operations and sales space, before moving on to become Global VP, Small & Medium Enterprise Inside Sales, and managing all remote sales to SME around the world, with teams located in 22 countries.

After 8 years at SAP and longing to come back to the start-up world, he joined LaFourchette (TheFork), later acquired by TripAdvisor, as COO & Head of B2B, responsible for all the restaurant business, operations and international expansion, where he stayed for 6 years. As the #2 of LaFourchette, he managed the expansion of their activities from 2 to 18 countries, either through organic growth or through acquisitions.

In March 2019, he accepted the position of CEO of Qare, a young but leading teleconsultation solution in France, growing the team in one year from 25 to 170 people and raising € 28 M at the beginning of 2020.    

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Paris 75008, France,
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