Le bureau du Wharton Club de France
vous convie à participer à notre déjeuner du Mercredi 13 Avril 2022 à 12h30 PRÉCISES
Neurosciences et Changement ClimatiqueLe Mercredi 13 Avril 2022 à France-Amériques, nous accueillerons lors de notre déjeuner Mélusine Boon Falleur (W96). Mélusine Boon-Falleur, PhD student in cognitive science, will discuss how our social psychology can be leveraged for positive impact, such as better climate change mitigation policies. Mélusine started her career in the energy sector, in the energy mezzanine opportunity fund at the Carlyle Group. It soon became obvious that a transition to a zero carbon economy would not happen spontaneously. This led Mélusine to pursue a masters at the Paris School of Economics to study environmental policy and understand the economic drivers of the ecological transition.
During her masters, she met two cognitive scientists, Nicolas Baumard and Coralie Chevallier, who convinced her that even the best policies won't work unless they are aligned with our individual psychology. She is now a PhD student in cognitive science at the ENS, under the supervision of Coralie and Nicolas.
By studying how evolution shaped our mind, she hopes to better understand human behavior and use this knowledge to build human-friendly futures. Outside of her research, she teaches courses in evolutionary psychology at the ENS Paris, PSL University and HEC. She also works as a consultant for different start ups.
Mélusine earned a dual degree at the University of Pennsylvania and the Wharton School in 2016.
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